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Date: Friday, March 26, 2021: An Online Live Zoom Meeting
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
Class: Have You Seen My Stapler? Welcome to Office Space in 2021. A Live Online Zoom Class.
COVID-19 has impacted all categories of commercial real estate in New Hampshire, arguably Office Space has been the hardest hit. Join us for this 3 hour quarterly class to analyze the impacts of the past year, assess what the options are for office redesign and redevelopment and a glimpse into what the future holds as we emerge from the pandemic and return to the office.
Moderator: Dan Scanlon, Colliers International
Panelists: Caitlin Burke, Boulos Company; Helen Principio, Stibler Associates; Adam Wagner, ACHA Founder and Partner; James Tobin, Brady Sullivan Properties
Credits: Application has been made for accreditation to the NH Real Estate Commission. We may or may not receive credits.
Cost: $ 35.00 NHCIBOR/NECPE members / $ 45.00 Non Members
Please read the PROCEDURE and RULES FOR THE ONLINE CLASS in order for you to receive Credits: