Wednesday April 26, 2017
CR’s, The Restaurant
287 Exeter Road, Hampton, NH
Tobey & Merrill Insurance is proud to sponsor this event and extends a warm welcome to NHCIBOR REALTOR & Affiliate members.
Please bring an extra business card for our door prize. The drawing will be held at the end of the evening and you must be present to win.
A 50/50 Raffle will be held. Proceeds will benefit a local program that assists children being placed in foster care. Lynette Kaichen, creator and founder of the The Pass Along Project, will be joining us to provide you with an opportunity to learn more about this grass roots effort to support children, and the families who help them, at a very difficult time in their lives.
Save the date… and see you there~ Event Flyer
Please RSVP to Heather Rowan by 4-21-17!