Call for Action: Support HB 1177

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Call For Action: Support HB 1177

Next week, the New Hampshire House of Representatives will vote on a critical bill designed to expand housing opportunities for New Hampshire families. Please take a few simple steps to encourage your representatives to support House Bill 1177.


House Bill 1177 would require, as a matter of right, that any single-family lot in a residential zoning district served by water and sewer shall be eligible for up to four residential dwelling units. All setbacks, parking requirements and other town zoning requirements would still apply. The House Municipal and County Government Committee has sent the bill to the House floor with an “Ought to Pass” motion.

NHAR supports the Ought to Pass motion.

Many towns require an acre or more for single-family lots, even those serviced by municipal water and sewage. Lot size requirements were created to ensure private well water and septic system setback and not to artificially restrict housing opportunities.

Please, let your state representative know that you support efforts to create housing for all New Hampshire residents by clicking the link above to take action.

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