NHCIBOR Annual Meeting, Holiday Toy Drive and Installation of Officers – Registration Required
In lieu of our annual holiday party, NHCIBOR will be holding our annual meeting on Zoom to install our officers and to also support needy families by adding to the Tower of Toys!
Date: Friday, Dec. 11, 2020
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
As in years past, in conjunction with NHCIBOR Cares, we will be supporting the Tower of Toys fundraiser.
There are a number of ways to give outlined below, and all those that are on the Zoom meeting and donate at least $25 to the drive will be entered to win some “Holiday Cheer” sponsored by Jeff Boufford and Doug Martin.
Through NHCIBOR Cares, we will be accepting donations that will be used to buy toys and contribute to the annual Tower of Toys Drive. Unwrapped toys can also be dropped off directly at “The Beacon Building” – 814 Elm Street, Manchester.
Nearing its 10th year, the Tower of Toys drive has helped make the holidays brighter and less stressful for thousands of families with kids of all age groups throughout a number of southern NH communities.
Checks made out to NH CIBOR Cares (Tower of Toys in memo line) can be sent to NHCIBOR 166 S River Road, Bedford NH 03110 or feel free to use the PayPal link here.
All of the money raised is spent 100% on purchasing toys for kids of all ages (including teens) No amount to small!
Any questions regarding the Tower of Toys can be directed to Doug Martin at Colliers International. Likewise anyone who knows a family in need should also reach out.
Thank you, we look forward to seeing you online….
Douglas Martin
Vice President |NH
Colliers International
175 Canal St., Ste. 401
Manchester, NH 03101
Direct +1 603 206 9618 | Mobile +1 603 493 8784
Main +1 603 623 0100 | Fax +1 603 626 1983