This class covers areas of real estate that has the most confusion such as agency, fair housing, consumer protection, antitrust, etc. It also includes ways to help reduce your risk.
Instructor: Lisa Davidson, Ripaldi School of Real Estate
Date: Friday, June 6th, 2025
Time: 9 – 12 Noon
Class Type: Offered both In Person (limited seating) and Live Via Zoom
Location In Person: TFMoran, 48 Constitution Drive, Bedford, NH 03110
Credits: Approved 3 NH CE Credits
Cost: Members – $ 35.00 and Non-Members – $ 40.00
You must REGISTER and Pay Online. You will receive an email confirmation within a few days of registering for both in person and online attendees. Deadline to Register is June 4th, 2025. Payments are non-refundable.