Board of Directors Meeting
NH, United StatesLocation: Matheson Education, 166 South River Rd., 2nd Floor, Bedford, NH 03110 Time: NHCIBOR BOD 9-10:00 am NECPE BOD 10:00-11:00 am
Location: Matheson Education, 166 South River Rd., 2nd Floor, Bedford, NH 03110 Time: NHCIBOR BOD 9-10:00 am NECPE BOD 10:00-11:00 am
Every 3rd Friday of the month from 8:30 - 9:45 am Location: One New Hampshire Ave. (third floor conference room), Pease International Tradeport, Portsmouth, NH.
Statewide Marketing Meeting Location: Matheson Education, 166 South River Rd. (same building NHCIBOR is located in. Matheson is located on 2nd floor.) Bedford, NH 03110 Every 4th Wed. of the Month Jan-November (No meeting in December) Time: 9:00 am - … Continued
REGISTRATION IS CLOSED! Scroll to the bottom of the page to register and pay online for tickets 2nd Annual NHCIBOR Summer Mixer Please join us for networking, wine & beer tasting, cash bar, appetizers, door prize raffle, 50/50 raffle tickets, … Continued
Every 3rd Friday of the month from 8:30 - 9:45 am Location: One New Hampshire Ave. (third floor conference room), Pease International Tradeport, Portsmouth, NH.
Statewide Marketing Meeting Location: Matheson Education, 166 South River Rd. (same building NHCIBOR is located in. Matheson is located on 2nd floor.) Bedford, NH 03110 Every 4th Wed. of the Month Jan-November (No meeting in December) Time: 9:00 am - … Continued
Who's the next NH State REALTOR of the Year? New Hampshire REALTORS will announce the 60th recipient of the prestigious REALTOR of the Year honor during a banquet and ceremony in Portsmouth, and we'd love to see you there. … Continued
Location: Matheson Education, 166 South River Rd., 2nd Floor, Bedford, NH 03110 Time: NHCIBOR BOD 9-10:00 am NECPE BOD 10:00-11:00 am
Every 3rd Friday of the month from 8:30 - 9:45 am Location: One New Hampshire Ave. (third floor conference room), Pease International Tradeport, Portsmouth, NH.
Statewide Marketing Meeting Location: Matheson Education, 166 South River Rd. (same building NHCIBOR is located in. Matheson is located on 2nd floor.) Bedford, NH 03110 Every 4th Wed. of the Month Jan-November (No meeting in December) Time: 9:00 am - … Continued
THE CLASS IS AT CAPACITY!! Scroll to the Bottom of the Page to Register and Pay Development and Re-Development in New Hampshire Join us as we pick the brains of some of the most experienced local developer’s to learn the … Continued
Scroll to bottom of page to register. New Member Orientation Venue: InsurComm, 290 Heritage Ave.., Unit 1, Portsmouth Date: Monday, Sept. 30, 2019 Time: 9:30 - 11:30 am Instructor: Marie Bodi, CPManagement Inc.,, 603-778-6300
North Shore Commercial Real Estate Networking with NHCIBOR/NECPE Please join us for an informal industry networking event. Come meet other commercial realtors focused in Northern MA and Southern NH. No CIBOR/NECPE membership is necessary, please just stop by and join … Continued
Location: Matheson Education, 166 South River Rd., 2nd Floor, Bedford, NH 03110 Time: NHCIBOR BOD 9-10:00 am **NO NECPE BOD MTG
The Newington Economic Development Committee is hosting a "Get to know Newington" event at Cars and Coffee Cafe in the Fox Run Mall (50 Fox Run Rd., Newington, NH) on Thursday, October 17th, 2019 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Meet … Continued
Every 3rd Friday of the month from 8:30 - 9:45 am Location: One New Hampshire Ave. (third floor conference room), Pease International Tradeport, Portsmouth, NH.