Thank you for choosing to join NHCIBOR.
The application process will take approximately 5 to 7 minutes. Please read the instructions on each page carefully.
Once you have completed the application, you will have the chance to review all of your information to ensure it is correct, that qualifications are met and that affiliations are properly in place. Due to the complexity of integration between NHCIBOR and fellow REALTOR® Boards, once membership payment is received, your application will be approved on a provisional basis. During the provisional membership period you will be afforded all the membership benefits a standard member receives.
It is our desire to simplify the process of paying of local, state and national dues, and NECPE membership. The application process and calculation of fees is complex, as each of these entities operates independently. Thus, we appreciate your understanding while we work to simplify the process. If you have any questions regarding this application process or calculation of fees, please do not hesitate to call our office at 603-647-0100.