NHCIBOR’s Board of Directors and members of CIBOR’s Strategic Planning Team are looking for volunteers to join the Commercial Designation Task Force which aims to set up a commercial real estate education program leading to a “Commercial Designation Certification” for CIBOR members.
Specifically, we are looking for volunteers who are experienced in one or more of the following categories: commercial real estate transactions, financing, property management, environmental issues, leasing vs. owning, appraisal basics and general commercial real estate development. The Task Force’s first item on the agenda will be to put together the curriculum and set the standards to earn CIBOR’s commercial designation. The steps to implement the program will follow and may require another task force.
What can you gain from the volunteer experience? Be proud of developing a commercial designation program that only a handful of REALTOR boards in the US offer. Grow your business by working and networking with top NH commercial real estate practitioners and affiliates.
If you are interested in joining, please email Allison Ropes, Executive Officer at Allison@nhcibor.com and/or Kathy DeMello, President, NHCIBOR at Kathy.demello@verani.com.