The CIBOR Sponsorship committee is looking for a few good volunteers for a minor amount of work. We are looking for volunteers from the following regions to sell a limited number of CIBOR Event Sponsorships and Webpage Ads:
* Upper Valley
* North Country
* Keene
* Manchester/Concord
* Salem/Nashua
* Seacoast
* Vermont
Each volunteer would be expected to contact 2 or 3 companies or individuals in their sphere of influence to sponsor a CIBOR Event or advertise on our website.
All volunteers will be rewarded for their efforts with a certificate for attendance to one quarterly meeting and its accredited real estate class. A $40 value! You not only help CIBOR and offer a valued service to businesses in your area, you also get free schooling and continuing education credits at one of CIBOR’s exceptional commercial real estate classes.
Please contact the Sponsorship Committee Chair, Bob Marchewka at 603-373-8725 or to take advantage of this program and help out your dedicated, committed and loyal Board of Commercial Realtors. Thank you for your support.