Dear Applicant/Prospective New Member,

Thank you again. We are delighted that you are applying for membership to the NH Commercial Board of REALTORS®, Inc. (NHCIBOR). We think you will find this to be an excellent organization dedicated to assisting you in your networking and career opportunities as well as a provider of continuing education.

Your application has been submitted to the membership committee, through our Board Office. The Bylaws state that the membership committee shall give written notice to the existing REALTOR® members of such application and invite written comment. Thereafter, within thirty (30) days, the membership committee shall report its recommendations to the Board of Directors in writing. A vote by the board is taken at the next regularly scheduled meeting provided no adverse comments are received. In the meantime, you may enjoy the benefits of provisional membership.

We hope this process is clear. If you have any questions or need any assistance at all, please feel free to contact the Board office at 603-647-0100 or by mail: New Hampshire Commercial Investment Board of REALTORS®, 166 South River Road, Ste. 115, Bedford, New Hampshire 03110.

Generate your invoice

Please use the buttons below to generate your NHCIBOR membership invoice and to add optional membership to the New England Commercial Property Exchange (NECPE). Choose your membership options using the buttons below and they will be added to a shopping cart, from which you can generate your final invoice.. Your invoice will be emailed to you so that you may submit your payment once your application is accepted.

If you are a Realtor Member and this is your Primary Board

You must pay the application fee, the membership fee (which includes your NHCIBOR dues, NHAR dues and NAR dues and which are prorated monthly) and the NAR Assessment Fee.

NHCIBOR/NHAR/NAR DuesAdd to Invoice ⋅ $574.00
NAR Assessment FeeAdd to Invoice ⋅ $45.00


If you are a Realtor Member and this is your Secondary Board

You must pay the application fee and the NHCIBOR membership dues (which are prorated monthly).


If you are an Affiliate Member

You must pay the application fee and the Affiliate NHCIBOR membership dues (which are prorated monthly). Optionally, you can also join NHAR for $112.

NHAR for AffiliatesAdd to Invoice ⋅ $120.00


If you would like to add an optional NECPE membership

Membership runs from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017.